About me
Ezekiel Soremekun is an Assistant Professor at the ISTD Pillar of the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore.
Professional Experience
Ezekiel Soremekun was previously a Lecturer (Asst. Prof.) in Computer Science (Software Engineering) at Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL), UK. Between 2020 and 2023, he was a Research Scientist at the SerVal Group (led by Prof. Dr. Yves Le Traon), SnT – Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Before then, he was a researcher (and PhD candidate) at the Software Engineering Research Group (of Prof. Dr. Andreas Zeller) at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Saarland University.
Ezekiel has a PhD in Software Engineering (2021) from Saarland University. He was a graduate student (2013-2016) at the Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science. He also obtained an MSc in Computer Science (2011) from African University of Science and Technology and a BSc in Software Engineering (2010) from American University of Nigeria.
Ezekiel’s research is primarily focused on software engineering (SE), especially software validation, i.e., validating software quality. This includes SE research concerns such as automated debugging, software testing, program analysis, and security testing. He is interested in studying both functional properties (e.g., correctness) and non-functional properties (e.g., security, robustness, and fairness) of software systems, including artificial intelligence (AI) -driven systems (e.g., automated classifiers).
Ezekiel’s research objective is to apply scientific methods to validate software systems. His main research goal is to address key challenges in software validation by developing methods and tools to support developers during software testing and debugging activities.
The over-arching research aim is to provide useful validation techniques, tools and empirical studies for the following:
- Software Testing & Analysis: systematic analysis of programs and automated generation of test inputs to expose unexpected program behaviors (see ASE17, TSE20, TOSEM23),
- Automated Debugging: how to automatically diagnose, mitigate and repair incorrect program behaviors (see ICSE20, FSE20, ISSTA20, EMSE21),
- Human Factors in SE: studying and accounting for developer behaviors during (automated) software testing and debugging activities (see ESEC/FSE17, ICSE23 CHI25), and
- AI4SE & SE4AI: application of SE techniques (e.g., testing and debugging) to address AI concerns and the application of AI methods to address SE tasks (see TSE22, MSR22, COSE23, JSS24, EMNLP24).